Mama, Papa, and Pip make 3

Just another weblog

Playing catch up July 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — birdlegs02 @ 8:14 pm

So, I realized that it had been over a month since the last blog post. I feel bad, because I would really like this to be a source of an alternative baby book for Sir William.

Also, I still haven’t figured out why this is not accepting my line spacing, so any suggestions appreciated!

William is 14 months old now. Today is my second day at home with him, he has croup. Apparently it is going around. Awesome. The doctor said he probably also needs to stay home tomorrow, which J will take. He actually is doing very well, so I think he might go back tomorrow.  It has been nice being able to stay home with him, although I hate that he isn’t feeling 100%!

This weekend we are going back to Appleton. Looking forward to it, as is Will. J has 2 appointments up there, so it is business and pleasure.

This summer is going way too fast, and we have so much going on. I still need to schedule time to go out to PA to meet my girlfriend’s little one. Joe’s family is coming in for the airshow, we will be having Jenica come down sometime for pics, and other random things we want to accomplish this summer.

Will is pushing through 3 new teeth right now. All on top. Finally! He still only has the two bottom teeth that he started getting the day before my birthday. I just hope that they come in fast, so he can be spared any uncomfortableness.

Today really marked that he is a full on walker. He only crawled once today. It is so funny watching him waddle around the house! I can’t help but laugh! He is so proud of himself! He walks up to me with those big blue eyes and holds his hands up for me to scoop him up, ahhh! He just melts my heart.

He also started being a monkey…like hardcore crazy monkey. I turned my back for 1.5 seconds to put a sweatshirt of his in the closet, and there he was, scaling his toy bin. Twice. Then I was getting lunch ready, and there is the child climbing up the stove! There is also no way to babyproof the stove, except put those knob covers on… I am really hoping that we can get around it. So far the only thing we have “babyproofed” is the outlets, and 75% of them had the thingamabobs in them when we moved in.

He actually does really well with telling him no. There are a few things that make no fall on deaf ears: Porky’s water dish and pushing the foot stool around the house. Other than that, we have a pretty obedient little scutter. Hopefully he will not feel the need for climbing into dangerous situations any time soon.

And with that…. a picture of the little turkey! This is from the 4th of July Parade in Evanston.


One Response to “Playing catch up”

  1. ella0807 Says:

    He is SO adorable!!! What a cutie!

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